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Pilot Shorts.

You could say that Genma Visage was born when these animations were created, although it didn't take the shape it is today until about 3 years later.

These animations were done at University with a traditional approach. Save for panning functions and the special effects, all the characters were hand-drawn and coloured, not unlike the early days of Disney.

It's part of my ambition to see Genma Visage picked up as an animated series \ film one day. If I had a crack at it again, I was thinking either a cell-shaded 3D approach or a 2d animation in the same vein of old-school 90s anime. If any Funder and Studio happens to be reading this, let's make it happen!



Genma Visage Pilot

Tanya Azperi wakes up from a Nightmare of unsettling implications. Comforted by her partner, she's assured that it was all just a bad dream...or was it? Hellish demons invade Tanya workplace and gloat that she is their chosen one, all the while a Mutant Demigod springs to her rescue. Yet what is the secret that Tanya unwittingly hides that has all parties stunned?



G.V. Mock Introduction

More of an experiment with software than anything else; a simple tech demo at the time that used After Effects.
In hindsight, this differentiates from the Genma universe as I see it now. If I was going to do an intro nowadays, you can bet your ass it would be full of Death Metal, to say the least.



Genma Visage and its related works are Copyright © to Thomas Tuke. All rights reserved.